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Module 1 Exam

Course description

We start, in Chapter 1, with explaining the context of the supply chain. After emphasising the central role of the customer in the supply chain, we distinguish between the private sector and the public sector context.

English ‎(en)‎

Invite only

Learning objectives

After completing this module, participants will be able to:

Know what supply chains are and what supply chain management is;
Are familiar with the influence of organisational context on the functioning of the supply chain;
Are able to do calculations related to supply chain performance;
Can explain the importance of the purchasing and supply function;
Are capable of using the Supply Positioning Model and explaining the different types of relationships that buyers want to build with their suppliers;
Have learned about relevant financial supply chain issues including financing techniques and the role of purchasing and supply in budgeting.


Chapter 1:
Supply Chain Context
Chapter 2:
Organizational Strategy
Chapter 3:
Supply Chain Strategy
Chapter 4:
Purchasing and Supply
Chapter 5:
Supply Positioning
Chapter 6:
Supply Strategy
Chapter 7:
Market Analysis
Chapter 8:
Finance in the Supply Chain
Module 1 Exam Login to Sign Up
Course Language
English ‎(en)‎
Time required
Course access
Invite only
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